
PKN talks... Resetting Australia’s packaging strategy towards 2030 and beyond.

In this episode, Lindy Hughson, managing editor & publisher of PKN Packaging News talks to Chris Foley, CEO of the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) about its 2030 strategy and an eco-modulation model.

Against the backdrop of a recent update from APCO, which revealed the industry is not on track to reach the 2025 National Packaging Targets for most materials, Chris gives us an overview of the challenges the industry faces to get on track, and outlines how APCO’s 2030 strategy will improve performance against the National Packaging Targets to deliver brand owners a social license for packaging.

In its 2030 strategy, APCO will be moving to eco-modulated fees for members. Chris talks about how this move will incentivise members to improve the sustainability of their packaging and bridge critical economic gaps across Australia’s packaging system and elaborates on how the funds will be directed to supporting end markets, building reprocessing infrastructure and strengthening collection networks. Chris also gives us an insight into how members were engaged throughout the process, how the new proposed eco-modulation fee model would be implemented, and the intricacies of working with government policies and contracts.

We also discuss the change from voluntary to mandatory involvement, the importance of being proactive with data and reporting, and an initiative to reduce the volume of landfill by one million tonnes per year.

We wrap up by getting an overview of how APCO is planning to roll out this new strategy, while considering the government's impending mandates.

Sponsor - Trimatt - 03 8761 6171 -

APCO roadshow to focus on 2030 strategy:

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PKN Podcast episode 78 with Chris Foley of APCO:

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2025 Targets data 'disappointing' - APCO calls for reset:

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The PKN Podcast is produced by Southern Skies Media on behalf of PKN Packaging News, owned and published by Yaffa Media.

The views of the people featured on this podcast do not necessarily represent the views of PKN Packaging News, Yaffa Media, or the guest’s employer. The contents are copyright by Yaffa Media.

If you wish to use any of this podcast’s audio, please contact PKN Packaging News via their website or send an email to

MC: Grant McHerron
Host: Lindy Hughson
Producer: Steve Visscher
Editor: Chris Visscher

PKN Packaging News - © 2024

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