• The partnership between the AIP and Empauer will be officially unveiled at a webinar on 6 March.
    The partnership between the AIP and Empauer will be officially unveiled at a webinar on 6 March.

The AIP is joining forces with sustainability software company Empauer, to offer a comprehensive and cost effective life cycle assessment (LCA) decision package for small to medium enterprises (SMEs).

AIP and Empauer entered into an exclusive MOU, providing LCAs to SMEs to ensure they are making informed and science-based decisions when selecting packaging materials.

The AIP and Empauer say the driving force behind this collaboration is recognition of the challenges faced by SMEs. The AIP, said that through its SME training programs, it identified a pressing need for affordable and customised LCA solutions that simplify the often-complex process of undertaking sustainability assessments for packaging design.

“This innovative LCA Decision Package will enable businesses to make informed and sustainable decisions when it comes to the packaging design they utilise. It will provide AIP Members and the wider industry, with access to the latest tools and expertise, enabling them to reduce their environmental footprint and make responsible choices in line with global sustainability goals,” said AIP executive director, Nerida Kelton.

“We are delighted to partner with the AIP to enable greater industry access to high-quality LCAs. Empauer's commitment to enabling sustainability to be part of an organisation’s decision-making process aligns seamlessly with AIP's mission, and together, we aim to effect change that resonates throughout the industry,” said Empauer CEO, Victor Barichello.

Kelton added, “With the federal government having announced there will be mandatory packaging design standards coming in the not-too-distant-future, the launch of this program will enable all sized businesses to make the right decisions to measure their packaging circularity through the use of specifically designed LCA tool.”

“The LCA Decision Package for SMEs has been designed with the expert team at Empauer, to be used to guide SMEs to make the best possible sustainable packaging material and purchasing decisions that are actually backed by evidence and science. The report part of the package can then be utilised for internal decisions including selection of packaging materials, components and the shift towards more sustainable alternatives within the business.

“The AIP is excited to work alongside Empauer to extend valuable sustainability resources to our Members and SMEs across the packaging value chain. The partnership is a testament to the shared vision of Empauer and AIP – to lead the packaging sector towards a more sustainable future,” she said.

The AIP says its members and SMEs can look forward to accessing tailored LCAs at preferential rates, thereby facilitating the adoption of sustainable practices that are both economically and environmentally sound.

The new partnership will be inducted with a webinar on 6 March at 10am AEDT, which will give a comprehensive introduction to the LCA Decision Package for SMEs. The AIP and Empauer will delve into its functionality, ways to actively participate, and most importantly, how it can bring substantial benefits to your packaging designs.

The webinar will cover the following topics:

  • Stay Compliant: With the federal government announcing that there will be mandatory packaging design standards coming in the not-too-distant-future, the launch of this program will enable all sized businesses to make the right decisions to measure their packaging circularity through LCA.
  • Seize LCA Program Opportunities: Learn how being a part of this initiative can benefit your organisation, from cost savings to reduced environmental impacts. Understand how you can take advantage of this program to drive sustainability and profitability.
  • Expert Insights: Hear from Catherine Rae, an expert from Empauer, who will provide valuable insights into the environmental footprint of packaging materials. Rae’s expertise will give you a practical understanding of the essential elements of an LCA, and the data required for conducting a successful LCA assessment.

Please book your place today to attend the webinar here.


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