• PacPrint president Sue Threlfo, GM of Konica Minolta
    PacPrint president Sue Threlfo, GM of Konica Minolta

Representatives from some 40 companies, which will exhibit at PacPrint 2021 and the co-located Visual Impact and Label & Packaging expos, met yesterday for the first time to be briefed on arrangements for the industry’s leading show.

The briefing, facilitated by PacPrint chairperson Sue Threlfo from Konica Minolta, provided exhibitors with an update on planning for the event, which is already well advanced, introduced key contacts, and shared insights and information which bode well for the Melbourne show.

Peter Harper, CEO of Visual Connections which both co-hosts and organises the event, said the involvement of suppliers in PacPrint demonstrates their support for the industry, and told the gathering that a recent industry survey indicated visitors were keen to attend the industry’s first in-person event and confident in its safety and value.

This view that was echoed by the majority of speakers, who noted that current low levels of Covid, together with the vaccine rollout underway, supported high levels of confidence, particularly with seven months still to go until doors open.

Katarina Dayoan from Export Solutions spoke about the need to apply without delay for the Federal Government’s business events grants, while Bob Carroll, managing director of Australian Events, told the gathering about the numerous successful trade events his company had run during 2020 and 2021.

Carroll said enthusiasm for those shows was higher than expected, with record attendances and excellent business generated, and also reassured exhibitors that processes and procedures required for Covid-safe events were no more onerous – and in fact, no different – from those already being implemented within organisations.

Exhibitors also heard from Sharon Friedman, safety manager for the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre about procedures at the venue, and from Visual Connections team members Robyn Frampton, who outlined promotional opportunities, and Jenny Harris, who represented the events team, and introduced the contractors who will be providing vital services during the show.

PacPrint 2021 will be held at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre from 28 September to 1 October, 2021. Click here to register or find out more at www.pacprint.com.au. To join more than 50 companies already exhibiting at the show, contact the events team on +61 2 9868 1577 or exhibitons@visualconnections.org.au

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