• The Somic-Flexx III.
    The Somic-Flexx III.

Somic will exhibit its new Somic-Flexx III modular end-of-line packaging solution at Pack Expo in Chicago.

The Somic-Flexx III can pack in a flat nested position or a standing orientation for display, and is capable of handling both single and multi-component packaging.

“Our new machine provides consumer packaged goods companies with the flexibility to meet a variety of retailers’ packaging demands,” said Peter Fox, senior vice president of sales for Somic America.

“Stand-up pouches, flow packs, rigid containers and other items can be collated, grouped and packed in a wide variety of formats. This includes open or wraparound trays, to paperboard cartons and trays with covers. With the development of this machine, we have delivered the ultimate in packaging flexibility and further expanded the Somic success story in North America.”

The machine, which took two years to develop, combines a tray packer with a cover applicator and, in between them, an insertion packer. “Each of the three user-friendly modules operates as one machine. The advantage is this machine has the capability to run virtually any pack arrangement, and in any type of shipping or display vehicle,” said Fox.

Pack Expo International will be held in Chicago, Illinois, from October 14-17.


Food & Drink Business

At this week’s National Food Waste Summit, some of the brightest minds on the subject from around the world discussed an issue that plagues the planet. It appears Australia may get pretty close to its target to halve food waste by 2030, it could even make it, but the efforts are monumental from farmer to consumer. And it’s not like there are no other pressing issues on every part of our food system. So, what is it going to take?

The launch of Petrifilm Plates in 1984 was an advancement for microbial testing in the food industry. Neogen technical product specialist, Diana Pregonero Guzman, reflects on its impact and the ongoing evolution of food safety technology.

A $40m investment in soft plastics recycling will see the construction of a new processing facility in South Australia at Recycling Plastics Australia’s Kilburn premises, with the application of proprietary technology supplied by PreOne.