
Applications for the 2024 Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) Annual Awards are now open, and are open to all of industry to apply.

The Awards celebrate the businesses and individuals across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands who are leading progress towards a circular economy for packaging.

This year’s Awards will see the introduction of a new category, the Australasian Recycling Label (ARL) Excellence Award, which recognises organisations who have excelled in using the ARL to improve their packaging.

The APCO Annual Awards are judged in partnership with the Banksia Foundation, who facilitate an independent panel to ensure fairness, expertise, and impartiality throughout the judging process.

“The last 12 months have seen some of the most impressive efforts yet across the industry to improve packaging circularity,” said Chris Foley, CEO of APCO.

“Everyone in the industry knows now that business-as-usual isn’t going to cut it, and the way many businesses across the sector have risen to this challenge has set a fantastic example for the rest of the industry.”

Entries can be submitted via the Banksia Foundation portal until 19 July 2024, with participants urged to submit their applications early.

The winners will be celebrated at the Awards ceremony on 21 November 2024 at the Doltone House in Jones Bay Wharf, Sydney.

Early bird tickets are on sale now, and include a canapé networking hour followed by a sit-down dinner and Awards show.

Award categories include:

  • NEW: Australasian Recycling Label (ARL) Excellence Award (APCO members only)
  • Best of the Best Reporting Excellence Award (APCO members only)
  • Consumer Education Award
  • Improved Recycling Systems Award
  • Industry Education Award
  • Recycled Content Award
  • Reuse Award
  • Sustainable Packaging Guidelines (SPGs) Implementation Award
  • Sustainability Champion Award

APCO also has a series of awards dedicated to celebrating outstanding member reporting. These awards are not open for submissions; instead, APCO selects the nominees based on the quality and merit of their reports. They will also be celebrated on the night.

For further information and to apply, or book tickets, click here.

Food & Drink Business

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