• A kiwifruit a day... a survey activated by the QR code on pack showed 75% of respondents said the packaging successfully reminded them to eat a kiwi each day.
    A kiwifruit a day... a survey activated by the QR code on pack showed 75% of respondents said the packaging successfully reminded them to eat a kiwi each day.

Zespri, the international kiwi marketer based in New Zealand, has partnered with brand strategy and creative hub,  Speakeasy to introduce the innovative Zespri Fruit Pillbox. The packaging concept, inspired by the use of traditional pillboxes, aims to increase daily kiwifruit consumption.

The Fruit Pillbox, developed by Speakeasy in conjunction with Zespri’s vision to promote healthier snacking habits, features seven compartments labelled from Monday to Sunday, each containing a Zespri SunGold kiwifruit. The Fruit Pillbox branding appears with a strikethrough on the “Pill” portion of the name.

According to research conducted by Zespri and rolled out first in Singapore, an impressive 75 per cent of consumers surveyed reported that the Fruit Pillbox successfully reminded them to eat a kiwi each day. The positive response highlights the effectiveness of this innovative approach in encouraging healthier eating habits.

The Fruit Pillbox branding appears with a strikethrough on the “Pill” portion of the name
The Fruit Pillbox branding appears with a strikethrough on the “Pill” portion of the name

Marcello Magalhães, founder and chief strategy officer of Speakeasy, expressed the inspiration behind the Fruit Pillbox, drawing parallels to the successful use of pillboxes in improving medication adherence. “People are far more disciplined when it comes to taking their daily medications,” said Magalhães.

The simplicity of the design enhances its appeal and functionality.

The Fruit Pillbox packaging is crafted with recyclable materials and printed with vegetable-based ink by packaging specialists PackFora. The inclusion of braille imprints for the visually impaired underscores Zespri’s dedication to inclusivity. 

The 350gsm paperboard sleeves with corrugated board inner tray was manufactured by Packers Product in New Delhi India. Paperboards and kraft paper liners are imported from Norwegian papermills, and kraft paper medium/fluting from Indian papermills.

In-store POP displays featuring enlarged versions of the Fruit Pillbox further underscore the brand's commitment to creativity and innovation. These displays, integrated into produce sections, enhance consumer engagement and visibility.

In-store POP displays
Zespri's creative in-store POP displays

Ng Kok Hwee, general manager of Global Marketing at Zespri, highlighted the company's dedication to inspiring positive behavioral change through remarkable marketing strategies. He says the Fruit Pillbox aligns with the principles of Nudge theory, subtly encouraging consumers to adopt healthier eating habits and making fruit consumption a seamless part of daily routines.

Initial consumer response has been very positive. Zespri conducted a follow-up survey through a QR code printed on the Fruit Pillbox to track consumer reaction and behavior changes, and 75 per cent of respondents said the packaging successfully reminded them to eat a kiwi each day. In addition, 71 per cent said they are likely to repurchase kiwifruit in this packaging, and 67 per cent liked the design.

The launch of the Zespri Fruit Pillbox was supported by a comprehensive social media campaign, further amplifying its impact and reach. This strategic initiative reflects Zespri's mission to promote a healthier community through innovative and thoughtful solutions.

At the moment, the Fruit Pillbox is available only in Singapore, with the country acting as a market beta test. Initial consumer response in Singapore has been very positive, and future implementations in other markets are being considered.

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