
Packaging manufacturer Detpak has been recognised as Quality Supplier of the Year by global supply chain company, HAVI, for providing McDonald's restaurants with premier packaging products.

Luke Bray, HAVI’s senior manager, Quality Systems & Compliance, said that Detpak is a long-established leading supplier and its focus on providing McDonald’s restaurants with the best possible packaging products was a step above the other suppliers in 2021.

Detpak’s partnership with HAVI was forged over four decades ago when the business first started supplying packaging products to McDonald’s Australia. It has since grown to a global supply agreement to help service the world’s largest QSR, with several products manufactured locally.

“Over the years, Detpak has worked closely with HAVI and McDonald's to implement specialised packaging solutions, underpinned by extensive root cause analysis on quality control and open, honest lines of communication between the parties. This true partnership is built on a foundation of trust and quality, and a relentless pursuit of our customer’s needs,” said Bray.

“The number of touch points in our business that have worked to achieve this recognition runs into the hundreds,” said Conrad Groenewald, CEO of Detpak parent company Detmold Group.

“This award speaks to our relentless pursuit of quality across our business, and the passion and persistence of our people. We are honoured to have been recognised in this way.”

“HAVI and McDonald's are incredibly valuable partners of ours, and we look forward to building on this successful partnership for many years to come,” he added.

Food & Drink Business

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