• Keynote speaker at the APPEX Women in Packaging & Processing event: Louise Weine, CEO, NAWO.
    Keynote speaker at the APPEX Women in Packaging & Processing event: Louise Weine, CEO, NAWO.

The inaugural APPEX Women in Processing & Packaging event will take place on 13 March at the MCEC, providing a platform for some of the industry's most inspirational and accomplished women to share their personal stories, career journeys, and insights on overcoming gender disparities in STEM-based occupations.

Owned & presented by APPMA, the event will be an opportunity for all individuals across the industry to connect and be inspired by female leaders in packaging & processing.

Keynote speaker Louise Weine, CEO of NAWO (National Association of Women in Operations), will present on 'Achieving gender balance in Packaging and Processing: Systemic Change that Works', to be followed by an in-depth panel discussion, with participants to be announced soon.

Date: Wednesday 13th March, 2023.

Time: 8.30 arrival | 9.00am start | 10.30am close | 11.00am networking finishes   

Where: MCEC, Melbourne

Tickets will be on sale in December 2023 with all proceeds going to the Good Friday Appeal.



Food & Drink Business

At this week’s National Food Waste Summit, some of the brightest minds on the subject from around the world discussed an issue that plagues the planet. It appears Australia may get pretty close to its target to halve food waste by 2030, it could even make it, but the efforts are monumental from farmer to consumer. And it’s not like there are no other pressing issues on every part of our food system. So, what is it going to take?

The launch of Petrifilm Plates in 1984 was an advancement for microbial testing in the food industry. Neogen technical product specialist, Diana Pregonero Guzman, reflects on its impact and the ongoing evolution of food safety technology.

A $40m investment in soft plastics recycling will see the construction of a new processing facility in South Australia at Recycling Plastics Australia’s Kilburn premises, with the application of proprietary technology supplied by PreOne.